Officially aku dah tiga bulan 3 hari habis diploma Sains kat UiTM Sabah. Basically for final year diploma sains jadual pack sebab kau kena pandai bahagi masa tuk spend time for project. In my case, kami ada kelas CHM 260 pukul 5 every monday to wed cuz lecturer kami is part time lecturer. For sem 5, korang akan di busy kan dengat experiment Bio 300. Final sem, experiment for PHY 360. So as first batch OBE, not bad lah as i managed to cope thru diploma. Kalau batch terdahulu either Bio 300 or PHY 360 ja, for our case kena ambik dua-dua.
Atfirst kami buat brainstorming kat Library. Get through all Physics books(konon), Mainly we use internet to search for latest invention or innovation yang boleh di buat. Tetapi, Sebabkan masa limited, we come out with "Solar Ovan". I was impressed at first, boleh masak pizza kot. Tapi, ambik masa yang lama. Then jumpa miss Sam, Our supervisor. Dia kata "Eksperimen yang kamu pilih ni, budak tahun tiga punya xperiment". ouch. Pernah juga kena buat oleh senior, but only able to fried an egg. After that, we totally lost. Time was so limited. Then miss Sam bagi suggetion, before this student dia ada buat experiment of Crumple zone, tapi senior ni kaji pasal effect kalau kereta tu ada crumple zone and tak. So based on his research, car with crumple zone lebih selamat compare yang takda. apapun, Ajal Maut di tangan Tuhan right?
So, for PHY 360 ni kami buat "Effect of crumple zone". Crumple zone tu apa?
Our team consist of Me my self, Odie, Ijah and Shafiq. As for our case, we search for design of crumple zone then we perform Crash Test by using frictionless air track. Too many things to be done. We start early, but perform the test after a month due to few difficulties. Kami design guna aluminium kereta yang we interst in. Masa ni lah ada drama, suka duka dan pahit manis getir hidup kau akan rasa. Masa, Results dan lain-lain. Thank god lab assistant for Phy lab paling TERBAEK, Tq Kak dayang compare to Lab Assistant Bio. Tembirang macam "********".
Our results kami finalize seminggu before final presentation, ni pun terlalu banyak dah kami procrastinate. Pastu, dah kira-kira, rupanya results yang kami dapat selama 2 bulan ni, invalid. Sebab, kami dapat results yang salah. Giler tak silap 5 hari sebelum final presentation kot time tu. So tau lah, bila masa dah limited, stress bertambah, then kau akan lagi cepat bergerak. Do things secara convenient. alhamdulillah after HOurs spent, sleepless night, akhirnya kami dapat results yang sangat cantik 2 days before final presentation.
Okeh, Dahlah im braging about our project (OH MY MALAY)
Now, Lets talk about the presentation tips. Tips?? layak kah kau nak bagi tips? erm, dont know, ikut kau lah, kalau nak ikut, ikut. Kalau tak, sila Blah.
1) Jumpa supervisor a day before presentation. Tanya tips. As for us, awal2 lagi dah kena suruh, Sila fully formal, datang awal, do your best. Then tunjukkan korang punya slide, dia akan buang mana yang tak penting. Macam Miss Sam, ada beberapa slide yang dia reject.Tak perlu katanya. Then dia pesan, sila print ur poster, no handwriting. So, aku suruh shafiq compact kan smua maklumat dalam satu page, then aku print poster guna canon aku. 9 fully page, digunting-gunting gabung jadi 1 poster yang besar. By the way, kami drag masa until 30 minutes okeh. Semuanya pasal video tuh. Tak siap lagi masa pagi tuh. Giler loading. Nasib panel tak emo. Tulah kelebihan 1st presentor, sebab panel takda set Standard lagi.
Us And Supervisor from left Dk, Odie, Miss sam, Bun, Shafiq and Hensem ME (chewah) |
2) Be prepare, its Physics dude, sila master all theory pasal experiment kau. For us kami kena master Newton;s Law. Aku tak master and kena tanya kot masa final presentation tuh.
"What is newton;s law" Then We brag Bla, bla , bla. But, tersalah newtons 3rd law.(Miss sam cakap)
3) Props, not really necessary. But our group memang kreatif. I mean not me, but my colleagues. Diorang plan buat bookmark pasal crumple zone, then bagi gula-gula to those yang melawat tempat project kitorang dan banyak lagi.
Be creative, as for our group, kami ada buat video. Bun yang edit, sangat smart. Aku and shafiq kot berlakon. Funny though. Video tu sangat berguna, cuz basically we can show the panel what we had perform.
4) Presenter? FYI, best presenter datang dari group kami. Why? Cuz she present alone. I mean miss Sam yang arahkan sorang ja present. Group lain semua bercakap. Except our group. Kami memang just teman Bun and waiting for question. By the way, kalau sorang-sorang nak bentang agak susah kot. Im talking about time consuming. Nak ganti orang, komfem ada part "Erm, wait. Next bla bla bla"
5) Invention or innovation is preferable. Okeh, Harituh kami menang tempat kedua, dapat Plak. But juara and second runner up, dua dua buat innovation. First place buat kaca mata sonar, and third place buat water detector. When they announce the third runner up, me and odie tiba-tiba sedih. All in our mind was "Sedihnya, takda tempat". Then they announce "Second place "Effect of crumple zone"" Wah, Kelas kau kiah. (Tetiba). Alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah dapat gak A. By the way, kena score test ya. Sangattinggi carrymarks for test. kalau score project tinggi-tinggi belum tentu dapat A. ^^.
Banyak lagi kot aku nak share, tapi next time lah kot. Aku pun tak tahu apa yang aku taip. Sakit kepala. hehe