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Post Chemical Engineering

Assalamualaikum WBT

7 tahun dah since aku graduate. 7 tahun yang mematangkan. 7 tahun yang mengajar aku bahawa kehidupan ni tidak seindah yang kita sangka. Terlaiu banyak persinggahan yang kita akan lalui. Masa awal career aku, it was hard. (Till this day still have a different struggle). I still remember vividly, where we spent our times at level 7 fakulti Chem Engineering UiTM Shah Alam. Talk about the future us, our dreams and our ideal. But life will give you lemon, and its your own responsibilities to make a lemonade. 

1st year I worked at Perlis. Can you imagine, a small town boy from Sabah going to Perlis. People from Utara were very welcoming and I am very grateful for every memories that I had. I've tried going to few interviews at Klang, KL and around Selangor. Tough luck, I didn't get any. While money is depleting, I choose an offer that I have. Syukur, dikenalkan dengan program SL1M. 

After 1 year, I moved to Selangor, getting offer from a Taiwanese owned company. Working from Monday~Saturday, 12hrs a day with minimum wage. It was compulsary OT, or you will be scolded. It drained me, working as Production engineer and barely made it. Stay for 2 years and ready to jump, then COVID happened. Went to interview before PKP and resign without any job offers. Went back home while PKP is on full swing. Have few months salary saved. It was hard, Sabah is one of the most affected states. Job is scarce. Not much Industry as what we have in Peninsular. I have question, have the States failed us?? Berapa lama lagi kita kena pergi ke semenanjung dan tinggalkan negeri kita????

Then I secured a job from my previous interview. Just when I thought that I am ready to settle down at KK, Allah have a better plan. Now Im moving back to peninsular (Negeri Sembilan) to work at MNC. 

I loved it there. Managed to have great collegues and friends. Working as Process engineer for manufacturing company. It was rather great, but the increment were very slow. However, Syukur Alhamdulillah, it was a great experience. Then now I managed to secure a job back at my hometown. Even the future is bleak, I will always keep praying that there will be more MNC investing at Sabah. So, many of Sabahan who already establish at Peninsular can return home where the heart is. 

It was a great journey, and life is not a sprint, its a marathon. 

Take care.

Best of luck to all Engineers.

Pilihan kursus kejuruteraan Selepas tamat Diploma Sains UiTM

Assalamualikum WBT 

Before aku nak sambung post aku ni. Tolong ler tekan or click the ads yg ada kat page aku ni. Manatau boleh top-up duit kahwin aku.

Ok, aku dah habis degree in Chemical Engineering UiTM. Basically, aku nak share kursus apa yang available untuk lepasan diploma sains (Or any which applicable, ex Asasi, Matrix, STPM) sekiranya korang berminat nak sambung bahagian kejuruteraan. As for me, aku minat kimia masa diploma, so dengan yakinnya aku pun mohon lah kejuruteraan kimia. Based on my Diploma, aku lagi cenderung kepada kimia masa hujung semester. I tell you, it was a wrong move. 

Bila aku dah sambung degree, hanya 3 subjek kimia yang aku belajar. Yang lain more to physics and add math. Combination and appliacation of both subject. Kau akan kira something yang kau tak nampak. Contohnya, heat transfer, unit operation, separation, mass balance and process control. Tapi, end up, i really love the subject sebab apa yang aku belajar ni akan buatkan otak aku sentiasa memikirkan penyelesaian kepada masalah yang diberi. 

So, untuk UiTM Shah Alam. Kita ada kompleks kejuruteraan, yang memuatkan 4 fakulti. Menara satu untuk Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Fakulti kejuruteraan Mekanikal. While, menara 2 menempatkan fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia. Before this, budak Medic, Pharmacy, and dentist pun share bangunan yang sama. Tapi, diorang dah relocate to Sungai Buloh and Puncak Alam. 

For Diploma sains, kita boleh mohon bidang kejuruteraan  Kimia, Elektrik, dan Mekanikal. Untuk Civil engineering for the time being, memang tak ambik pelajar lepasan diploma selain lepasan diploma civil engineering. Masa zaman aku, agak strict sikit. Kami dilarang tukar kursus. Tapi sekarang, tak silap aku dah boleh dah ganti kursus tapi kena naik turun Canselori lah. Berikut merupakan kursus kejuruteran yang ditawarkan dalam sistem UiTM.


Lab fakulti ni memang terlopong besar kat tepi jalan nak ke faculty aku. Fakulti ni ada kat UiTM Shah Alam, Pasir Gudang, Pahang, Sarawak dan Pulau Pinang. Tapi, for degree aku tak berapa nak pasti. Tak silap aku, degree ada kat UiTM Penang dan UiTM Shah Alam je. 

Bachelor Degree of Engineering (Hons.) Civil (Infrastructure) (EC221) (Penang)

EC220 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.)  Civil (Shah Alam)

Requrement dari web Fakulti :

Admission Requirements

A pass in SPM or other equivalent qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Government with a credit in Bahasa Melayu / Malaysia and English and pass in STPM with passes in two (2) other subjects and achieving grade B- (CGPA 2.67) for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry ;


A pass in Diploma in Civil Engineering, UiTM or from other institutions with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 ;


A pass in Diploma in Civil Engineering, UiTM or from other institutions recognized by Malaysian Government with a minimum two years working experience in related areas ;


Pass in Bachelor in Physical Sciences or IEM/BEM/EC (UK) Part 1 ;


Pass in Matriculation Programme from Ministry of Education, Malaysia with a CGPA of 2.50 and pass in MUET

Untuk Lepasan Diploma, Serius talk, better try to contact the deans tnya pasal requirement. A friend of mine, dia mohon civil engineering with a CGPA of 3.84 (Lepasan Diploma Sains), but rejected. Then, kami pergi jumpa Dekan Civil masa freshman years dulu. Melalu conversation kami, fakulti ni tak kan ambik pelajar lepasan diploma kecuali lepasan diploma in Civil engineering. However, there might be exceptions, sebabkan ada one of my seniors dari Diploma in QS, dia sambung degree ambik Civil Engineering and he score 1st class dude. 

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal UiTM

So, antara option yang boleh dimohon oleh lepasan diploma Sains adalah Ijazah Sarjana Muda kejuruteraan MEkanikal. Antara semua fakulti, tak silap aku fakulti ni yang mempunyai employbility rate yang paling tinggi. For requirement aku tak pasti sangat, maybe sama dengan lepasan diploma mechanical gak. For asasi, Matrix, tak silap aku, requirement mestilah 3.5 keatas. (Depends dengan faculty). Antara senarai ijazah yang ditawarkan oleh fakulti ni adalah : 


Majority, budak mechy ni adalah pelajar lelaki. Kursus ni di tawarkan di UiTM Penang dan UiTM Shah Alam. Jaket fakulti mechy is one of the best and paling cantik kat UiTM Shah Alam. Kalau dari Diploma Sains, kau akan masuk ke semster pertama. Sebab takde transfer credit kecuali HBU dan Subjet TITAS. Bestnya MEchy ni, diorang belajar psl assembly and more kepada improvement plant. Welding pun diorang sapu. Fakulti aku tak belajar pun pasal welding. Sodeh....And one more thing, kalau kau goggle kerja kosong, banyak nak carik budak mechy ni. For chemical engineer, tak sebanyak mechy. But, have faith in Allah. Rezeki semua nya dari Allah right??

Btw, aku ada juniors and senior diploma sains yang masuk fakulti ni. 

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik.

Fakulti ni, jiran kepada fakulti aku. Antara kursus yang ditawarkan adalah :


Housemate aku pelajar fakulti ni. Dia dari Diploma Electrical Engineering UiTM Penang. Basically, dia ambik Power system. Tak silap, ijazah tu paling susah antara semua kursus yang ditawarkan dalam fakulti tu. Diorang ada belajar coding, thermo, control.Fakulti aku belajar gak pasal control system, tapi more on tuning. Takde lah se detalis diorang ni. Aku C++ pun tak belajar sangat. Ada budak lepasan diploma sains yang dapat masuk ke fakulti ni. 

 Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia

To be continue in a new post

Alumni Diploma Sains UiTM (Part1)

Assalamualaikum WBT

Posting ni aku tujukan kepada semua pelajar yang tengah konfius nak sambung study kat mana after dah tamat diploma sains. Truthfully, bila aku dah habis degree ni. Aku macam nak acah function sikit. Sebab apa, masa aku study kat sabah dulu, aku sangat kurang exposure tentang kursus yang aku boleh mohon lepas dah habis diploma. 

Basically, I can say, Most of the course offered kau boleh ambik. Even kau boleh sambung dekat universiti lain. For instance USM. Then I also met with ex Diploma (Chemical Engineering), who further his studies di Manchester Uni.

If you have any inquiries, you can always leave a comment or just email me at itsmieismi@gmail.com

So far, course yang budak diploma sains tak boleh nak mohon are :

BEng Oil And Gas
BEng Civil 

Ni based on pengalaman aku lah. After diploma, acctually I went to UiTM a week early so that I am able to process for tukar course. Tapi, tulah. Too young to realize. Sekarang dah habis pun BEng Chemical aku. Next time aku akan share ler.

MIDA career fair 2017.

Assalamualaikum WBT readers.

So a few weeks back I went to MIDA career fair kat KL Sentral. Poster giler gah, about 50 company yang participate with 7000+ vacancy yang available. So, sehari sebelum event tu, aku pun gigih lah print resume aku. Berbelas jugak lah company yang aku nak pergi. As a free lancer(Penganggur), aku tahu, bila dia iklan 7000+ Vacancy tu, kau akan harap sangat yang akan ada peluang untuk kau. Tapi, bila bkan rezeki kau. Tetap bukan rezeki kau. Allah dah bahagi dah rezeki kita masing-masing. 

Back to the story, after dah print resume aku. Aku google each of the company and the position available. Which yang related dengan my field of study. Antara company yang menarik minat aku adalah PETRONAS, Honda, Samsung, CIMA, HIRO Foods packaging, and Biocon. Aku study pasal latest news and their plan for each of the company. I try to make an impression with the HR yang aku akan jumpa esok. 

Tapiii, aku tak dapat tidur malam tu. Sebelum ni, pukul 12 pun aku dah ngantok. Tapi malam tu, pelik sikit, pukul 2 pun aku tak dapat nak tidur lagi. dahlah esok nak gerak awal. So aku pergi gosok baju, and prepare for all keperluan.

Esok nya aku bangun pukul 7. Aku naik motor je dari Shah Alam ke KL. Sebab murah, minyak RM 3 je kot. Sampai kat sana, syukur rezeki aku dapat parking kat tepi KL sentral tu. Sampai tempat event, aku cek group kelas. Budak-budak kelas tengah breakfast kat McD. Aku lost, sebab aku jalan KL ni memang melilau, main redah je. Jiwa kental bro.

Sampai kat event, perghhhh. Kena berbaris panjang. Aku dah buat pre-registration. Tapi, line dia sepanjang-panjang alam. Nasib pagi. Aku tak breakfast, sebab aku dah sampai lambat sangat dah. Dalam kol 9. Masa tengah baris, akak yang incharge for COCA-COLA datang tegur. Dah lah tengah bersesak. Dia suruh aku try for company dia. Sebab diorang tengah expending. Aku tanya lah "Your company hire chemical engineer tak?". Akak tu dengan confident nye "Ye, Kami hire...nanti dah daftar...datang lah ke booth kami:

After register, aku terus shoot ke booth COCACOLA and meet the HR. Akak tu dah konfiden bagi aku harapan, then the HR said, sorry for the time being diorang tak ambik chemical engineer. Aku apply for production engineer position. Aduh, takpe aku dah biasa direject. So gerak ke next booth. 

Sebagai freelance aku gigihkan diri redag crowd tu. Ramai giler orang.Nak gerak pun kena..'Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me". Aku dengan Lily gerak ke company mana ntah. Aku ke BIOCON kot. Tapi tak jumpa. So aku drop resume kat HONDA dan Samsung. For your information, it was suggested that kalau kau pergi ke career fair, kau patut explain and show your enthusiasm kepada Person in charge. Tapi orang ramai namati. So, HR tu kebanyakan nya bagi jawapan standard "We'll contact you"

Aku nak biocon, sebab dia nak process engineer and kira company tu baru lagi. Tapi, its not my rezeki. Tak kena panggil pun. So, aku bersesak tuk ke PETRONAS. I wanna try my luck even aku tahu ynag PETRONAS takkan ambik budak fresh graduate. Aku gigih baris weh, bersesak kat dalam booth tu. Then dia suruh pergi kat website, then mohon. Aku dah buat dah pun sebelum datang sana lagi. So I move to next company. Which is CIMA. CIMA ni under UEM. Cement industry Malaysia Berhad. Apply for Sl1M.

Then other company aku tak dapat cakap ngan HR pun. Sebab terlalu ramai orang yang freelance macam aku. Jenuh HR tu nak melayan. Aku respect kat abang yang jaga booth HONDA masa tuh. Dia layan satu-satu weh. Cuma ada satu section tu closed sebab terlalu ramai orang. 

Diorang masukkan copmpany besar semua ke satu tempat tu. PETRONAS, TOP GLOVE.Sampai mendap weh booth tu. So kalau nak masuk kau kena tunggu turn. As usual, kau akan jumpa lah manusia yanga da degree, tapi common sense takde. Suka hati dia je nak potong barisan orang.. HELLLLO MR, aku baris setengah jam kot. 

Aku dah malas nak bersesak, drop resume, then blah. Ada certain HR yang aku dapat berbual. But I knew that I failed to make an impression sebab terlalu ramai yang freelance yang dia nak layan. Aku call budak kelas, tanya diorang kat mana. Lepak lunch then catch-up. 

Then, bermulalah kembali Fasa menanti sesuatu yang tidak pasti. Entah awal atau lambat. Rezeki dunia ni milik ALLAH. A week after, aku dapat call dari HR untuk CIMA.  Program SLIM-YES under UEM. Nanti aku share how the interview went. Thats it for now. Bye

Hows life?

Assalamualaikum Readers

I graduated with a bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons). Syukur alhamdulillah. After a few years since is stop writing and post any stuff in my blog. Here I am. Hopefully wiser than ever.

So topik harini is about LIFE. What is lfie after graduation????????

As for my Life? Typical things fresh grad will do. Scrolling JOB STREET, JOBS MALAYSIA,  MAukerja. Attending endless career fair. But bare in mind,  Its really hard to get a job nowadays. The economic downturn and also terlalu banyak engineers di Malaysia ni. Degree?? I did not secure ANC. Yeah. But, still I am happy with the results condsidering I am sooo busy with involvement in persatuan. I got ANC during my diploma. Somehow, I felt empty in terms of involvement in any society. Such a waste. Apapun, I got second class upper.

 Dengan zaman GST ni lagi. Ya ALLAH, sumpah susah nak dapat kerja. Member lain dah dapat kerja. But Trust me, rezeki Allah itu luas. Cepat atau lambat je. Have faith in him, but remember not little faith, but you need to have a loooooooooooooooooooot of faith in him,

Some people might say, Pointer is just a thing, what gonna make you excel out there is your soft skills and involvement in program. TETTTTT, I beg to differ. Dengan kebanjiran fresh graduates, cut off pointer akan naik. Aku dah pergi 7 interview. Tapi, rezeki Allah belum pilih. Sooooo,...gotta get up and try and try and try..gotta get up and try and try and tryyyy..

Apaaaa aku merapu ni. Nantilah sambung post lain. Pasal interview session with UEM for SLIM. The best and leisure interview i ever attended.

mARI BacA ^^V

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