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Post Chemical Engineering

Assalamualaikum WBT

7 tahun dah since aku graduate. 7 tahun yang mematangkan. 7 tahun yang mengajar aku bahawa kehidupan ni tidak seindah yang kita sangka. Terlaiu banyak persinggahan yang kita akan lalui. Masa awal career aku, it was hard. (Till this day still have a different struggle). I still remember vividly, where we spent our times at level 7 fakulti Chem Engineering UiTM Shah Alam. Talk about the future us, our dreams and our ideal. But life will give you lemon, and its your own responsibilities to make a lemonade. 

1st year I worked at Perlis. Can you imagine, a small town boy from Sabah going to Perlis. People from Utara were very welcoming and I am very grateful for every memories that I had. I've tried going to few interviews at Klang, KL and around Selangor. Tough luck, I didn't get any. While money is depleting, I choose an offer that I have. Syukur, dikenalkan dengan program SL1M. 

After 1 year, I moved to Selangor, getting offer from a Taiwanese owned company. Working from Monday~Saturday, 12hrs a day with minimum wage. It was compulsary OT, or you will be scolded. It drained me, working as Production engineer and barely made it. Stay for 2 years and ready to jump, then COVID happened. Went to interview before PKP and resign without any job offers. Went back home while PKP is on full swing. Have few months salary saved. It was hard, Sabah is one of the most affected states. Job is scarce. Not much Industry as what we have in Peninsular. I have question, have the States failed us?? Berapa lama lagi kita kena pergi ke semenanjung dan tinggalkan negeri kita????

Then I secured a job from my previous interview. Just when I thought that I am ready to settle down at KK, Allah have a better plan. Now Im moving back to peninsular (Negeri Sembilan) to work at MNC. 

I loved it there. Managed to have great collegues and friends. Working as Process engineer for manufacturing company. It was rather great, but the increment were very slow. However, Syukur Alhamdulillah, it was a great experience. Then now I managed to secure a job back at my hometown. Even the future is bleak, I will always keep praying that there will be more MNC investing at Sabah. So, many of Sabahan who already establish at Peninsular can return home where the heart is. 

It was a great journey, and life is not a sprint, its a marathon. 

Take care.

Best of luck to all Engineers.


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sia rasa:

mARI BacA ^^V

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