Assalamualaikum WBT
Aku menjejakkan kaki ke tanah semenanjung awal bulan 9 2013 yang lalu. Tujuan? Nak sambung degree. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat degree in chemical engineering UiTM. Kali ni aku lebih bersedia dari pertama kali aku masuk UiTM sabah dulu. Masa diploma dulu, aku tiada hala tuju, tak survey langsung pasal UiTM Sabah and my course. So agak ke BANGANGAN sedikit. Tapi, untuk degree ni aku dah survey sikit. 1st, my hostel. The faculty aku. UiTM Shah Alam agak besari kalau nak di bandingkan dengan UiTM Sabah. Maybe disebabkan bangunan dan faculty yang lebih banyak dekat S.Alam ni.
To be honest, aku dan member aku datang awal ke UiTM Shah Alam. Reason, kami nak jumpa dekan faculty dental dan civil. nak buat rayuan kemasukan degree. Aku 3.7+ memang tak strong kalau nak masuk dental. Cut off pointer pun 3.96. So, next kami jumpa dekan Civil, kesian jugak kat member aku, 3.82, UiTM langsung tak nak ambik disebabkan dia dari diploma Sains.
So dengan kekecewaan, aku gagahkan langkah aku masuk lecture. Sampai faculty, aku ngan ain pergi tengok notice board, Carik senarai nama. Bila dah selak, memang takde nama aku ngan dia. So, kami pergi Hea, Bagusnya kat Shah alam ni, Hea is by faculty, tak macam kat UiTM Sabah. So, bila dah jumpa akak Emo kat Hea tue, dia sumbat ain kat Group B, and Aku group C. Plan nak satu kelas tak jadi, dimusnahkan oleh akak yang macam cantik jer, macam comel jer tue. (Comel ker??). So, aku setuju tuk dimasukkan tanpa kerelaan hati ke group C.
Bila dah masuk kelas, aku menyesal sebab tak mintak group lain. Why???? The schedule is so Pack which is ada kelas malam, isnin selasa rabu. Sekarang aku, fahmi legend sama arif class rep jer yang ambik bas malam. Yang lain ada motor. Apapun, alhamdulillah sebab dikurniakan classmates yang rajin dan ohsem, lagi superb.
Awal tu kami ada 6 orang budak lepasan diploma, tapi sekarang tinggal 5 orang jer. 2 oang budak lepasan diploma Farmasi, 3 orang lepasan diploma sains. 2 orang lelaki, 3 pompuan. Marwan dari diploma farmasi sama kak Yus. Umira ngan felicia dari diploma sains. Perghh, aku feeling matang jugak lah sebabkan classmates yang lain ni smua belum cecah 20 tahun lagi. Masih Teen. Awal-awal semua malu dan macam tak redha jer dapat course ni. Especially aku, semua benda susah nak digest except Math. I love that subject. Semua malu-malu, ada yang annoying(akir), ada yang aku langsong tak bertegur. Tapi bila dah lama, Sumpah, tak nyesal ambik course ni. Anuar, akir, ainul, daus, marwan, fahmi, arif memang semuanyer okeh. Alhamdulillah, as progress aku dah dapa terima kursus ni. Dan memang sesuai jugak dengan jiwa aku
Sem 1, ni aku ada 6 subjek dan 3 jer yang masuk final.
First aku cerita pasal yang tak masuk final.
Autocad : Mdm Fatma yang ajar, i like the subject very much, why? its involve computer. Tak perlu nak menyalin ape pun. Except notes lah. Alhamdulillah, lecturer aku pun sangat best. Assignment memang belambak, tapi kira okeh lah.
Intro to Chemical engin : Miss adieb yang ajar subject ni. Test 1 aku sucks. macam nak bakar2 je nota yang aku baca before test tu. Aku dapat half jer. Sumpah, agak down masa tuh. Rasa nak quit jer. Tapi, bila fikir balik, usaha aku kurang kot. Sebab ramai gak yang dapat 26++ out of 30 masa tuh. Alhamdulillah, test 2 and 3 aku dapat perform. Presentation paling aku suka, dia suru cari pasal industrial disaster. Semua orang buat pasal nuclear or something yang meletup. But, we pick one title yang takde kaitan ngan letupan, but still considered as indurstial disaster. Which is Minamata Disease. Alhamdulillah, we are the only group yang dapat Excellent for our presentation. Thanks to Ainul, Alya, Akir, Marwan, and Farah. We've done our best
Lab : Madam zalizawati and mdm Rabiatul, Lab ni erkkkk, agak stress jugaklah sebabkan degree ni tak macam diploma dulu Lab manual kena bagi, student kena suap, dan lecturer akan guide. But, for degree, procedure kena carik sendiri, kena consult lab assistant, kena google, research your procedure then consult lecturer. Pastu, perform sendiri your experiment via your procedure. Stresssss memanjang, lagi-lagi bila aku yang compile.
Next aku nak cakap pasal subject yang masuk final pulak.
Calculus for engineering : Basically, aku rasa aku pernah ambik subject ni masa diploma dulu, tapi lain sikit cuz aku belajar foundation of applied math, yang ni pulak calculus for engineering. Madam Fuzainah yang ajar, and i like it very very much. I love the lecturer, sebab dia sangat care. Kalau boleh tak nak escape kelas dia langsong, tapi haritu aku konvo, so terpaksa jugak escape. A few days before exam haritu, aku yumi and the geng jumpa madam sebab nak semak past year yang kami dah buat.
Process chemistry :Dr fadilah, This subject sebenarnya senang jer, tapi sumpah aku terkapai-kapai jugak belajar benda ni. Lecture macam senang, 1+1 =2 ...Masa test Square root of 5 x integrate of x -y + c. Hahaha, Dalam tuto pun tak sama langsong dengan test. FInal??? Aku harap sangat dapat B ya ALLAH. Aku risau tuk subject ni. Sumpah, jangan lah repeat...
Fluid Flow : Mr Aiman. Subject ni,. awal sem dulu sumpah buat aku down jer. Aku rasa nak quit jer bila belajar subject ni. Aku tak paham langsong. Masuk kelas, zero, keluar kelas negative. Arghhhh.... Stress memanjang. Tapi, bila dah buat tuto, agak faham sikit jugak lah. Then, mr Aiman dah start buat quiz, Kami buat ntah berapa banyak quiz. And Alhamdulillah 3 of it aku dapat full mark. Sir Aiman ni lecturer baru sebnarnya, dia pun tak pasti dengan system subject ni. Tapi, sir Aiman always give his best for us. Kalu ada yang blur, dia akan try untuk fahamkan. Masa nak final, dia sanggup datang UiTM cuz kami nak consult dier. Sehari sebelum paper, dia sanggup skype dengan kami sebab ada contoh yang kami tak faham. Seriously, buku yang kena guna untuk course ni sangat tak sesuai. Alhamdulillah, masa final hari tu aku dapat jawab semua soalan except pasal laminar flow yang aku memang blank. Aku hentam jer benda tue, konfiden ngan jawapan aku..
Apapun, aku redha. Haritu, dapat rayuan degree farmasi, tapi TNC tak benarkan pindah. Agak sedih jugak lah. But, Alhamdulillah. ill try my best sebab aku dah dapat bantuan kewangan. In sha ALLAH, kalau boleh aku nak apply TPM and jadi lecturer. Doakan aku erk.
salam .. first of all , congrates dapat further degree :)
if you don't mind , i wanna ask you more about the scholarship that you've applied .. TNC ?
since , i'm searching for scholarship for my upcoming degree .. tak nak depends on PTPTN kalau boleh .. so , if you would share about the scholarship , it would be great though .. Thanks a lot :)
@Anonymous Wasallam... Tq...
TNC stand for timbalan naib chanselor. Or our VC which is Dato Sahol.
Yeah...i applied for JPA.. And alhamdulillah dapat. first, r u a matrix, asasi or diploma students?
FYI, the scholarship acctually depends on pointer and course. If im not mistaken, all medic, pharmacy's and dental's students will get JPA. But yeah, they need to apply for it.
For my course, chemical engineering , Asasi and matrix leavers, only those who got 4 flat were offered with JPA. For diploma, my friend she got 3.6++ pun dapat. Alhamdulillah.
U asal dari mana??
My advice, while waiting for ur scholarship, u apply ja PTPTN. YEah, after u get ur scholarship then u can pay PT using ur sholarrship. What happen to me is, i didnt apply for PTPTN, and terpaksa rely on my parents every week. RM 50 if u staying at shah alam, in shaALLAH bolehe a week. But no enjoy, and sometimes kena berjimat habis especially when u need to buy few things needed for ur studies.
ouh ok .. thanks btw for the information though ..
btw , i'm in final sem of diploma sains .. and i'm from melaka :)
but i little bit confused what you've mention before ..
is the TNC scholarship same as JPA ?
in your case , are you got scholarship from JPA or TNC ?
sorry for being misunderstood ..
and one more question ,
you got your scholarship as soon as you enroll your degree or you have to wait for several months ?
as far as i know , i did some research about JPA scholarship .. they offer scholarship to degree student after they have pursuit their 2 sem .. am i right ?
i really not sure about this acctually , correct me if i'm wrong .. Thanks :)
Ic ..goodluck with ur final sem....
Begini......from my post...i mention that my appeal fro farmasi had been approve by board of pharmacy, unfortunately, TNC UiTM x benarkan transfer course... TNC ni Dato Sahol.. hes a person..hehe
I got Jpa, Alhamdulillah...
Nope, thats why, i suggest if tak mampu, do take ptptn first. Even my friend take PTPTN b4 dapat results JPA. JPA ni ada lambat sikit dapat for my batch. Dont really know bout other batch.
Btw, may i know ur current cgpa .. 3.8++ ker????? kalau 3.8+ in sha Allah boleh dpt......
salam . my cgpa 3.93 now, and a part 6 student . the thing is im 22 this year . dapat tak agaknya kalau apply jpa scholarship? i dah penah tolak scholar jpa jepun dulu (2010) . and i've applied pidn for 2 times and always kena reject . any opinion ? *stress*
@CikAda wassallam, owh...ur from diploma sains UiTM ker??? same here, tahun ni saya pun 22, JPA ni ikut course,...yang secure jpa ususlly budak med, dental and farmasi. in ur case, kalau u apply medic n dapat. in sha ALLAH, JPA dalam tangan. sy 3.7++ je, dapat jugak JPA. In Sha ALLAH kalau ada rezeki dapat lah tu.
To be honest, ur cgpa dah cukup tuk furthur medicine n secure JPA..
yeke? sorry kalau you rasa i bangga diri pulak -,-" sekadar bertanya kan. but JPA stated that blacklisted person takkan dapat scholar. i tak sure la i blacklisted ke tak, tapi as you can see, i dah apply pidn 2 times, kena reject kot. so you rasa i boleh dapat tak scholar kalau i further medic uitm ? kalau i tak dapat la scholar tu, i think i need to apply UNHAS kot . takde duit la kalau tak dapat scholar :( loan la jawabnyaa
and one more thing, umur 22 boleh dapat scholar jpa ke ? i though dia punya limit umur 21 .
@CikAda sy tak rasa pun kamu tinggi diri, u need to be proud of ur results though.. owh...i dont think u black list...u tak pernah ambik JPA right?? Kalau u ambik medic, kmfm dpt JPA(seniors said).... UNHAS, better u apply jer, incase dpt medic mUiTM, then u x perlu lah pergi unhas ^^..goodluck
@CikAda boleh jer..kwn sy 24, still dpt, dia kena 25 tahun kebawah kalau tak silap..^^
ouh i see . btw , thanks a lot ! banyak info i dapat dari you (; goodluck in you degree life !
Hi, i came across your blog while doing some research for my undergraduatr studies. I dont know if youre still active but hopefully you can answer my questions hehe. So after applying for jpa scholarship did you have to go for an interview? And also, is it possible for me to continue in farmasi in um? Currently im im my second semester in asasi science uitm
Assalammualaikum... I stumbled on ur blog while searching for any blog yg relate dgn chemical eng and uitm s.alam... So sya pun asal sabah and student dis uitm kk, alhamdulilah sya dpt masuk chemical eng, which is mmg my first choice lha and dpt d s.alam... Tpkn sdh dpt tiba2 mcm ada second thought ne, tiba2 fikir yg course ne susah, dpt angkat kha xda, like how am i gonna survive there, plus im just a dis student kn, msti yg sna tu nnti eng student yg result tiptop abis... But i just think positive lha, mustahil Allah sdh bgi ne, kita nda mampu buat kan... Hihihiihi... Okey, so i hv some question for u regarding this course lha, tuk preparation lha katakannn~ hopefully u can answer lha my question k..
1. What sem are u now and how is it so far? Good? Struggling? Enjoy? A bit stressed out?
2. Lecturer mcm mna? Okey kha, blh jdi bro kha mcm lect d kk? Hahahahaha.. Msti mau kamcing sma lecturer bru best bljar..
3. Any buku rujukan yg bagus u can recommend? For every subject lha
4. Adakha lawatan pigi tmpt2 yg bkaitan this field?
5. If possible blh kha mau tgk course outline 😊😊😊
Tu jk lha buat masa ne, nda mau lha mnyusahkan dgn soalan yg byk2 btul... Hihihihihihi
Hye akak ,usually in degree,how many students are there per classes?
Saya tengah ambil diploma pharmacy sekarang . So anggaran result for whole sem saya anggarkan dapat around 3.4-3.48. Kalau saya dapat result anggaran dalam lingkungan yg saya bagi tu boleh tak sambung degree pharmacy? Apapun , rayuan awak buat kat lembaga farmasi tu kalau x lepas pointer 3.5 dia bagi ke?
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